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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Climate Change, Resilience and Environmental Justice"

Some photos from "Climate Change, Resilience and Environmental Justice", a public forum with Commissioner Naderev "Yeb" Saño of the Philippine Climate Change Commission and Mr. Jose Leon Dulce of Kalikasan People's Network for the Environment, January 22, 2014, 9am-12nn, CAS Little Theater, UP Manila, Padre Faura, Ermita.  

(article excerpts) 
"With the Philippines as one of the most vulnerable countries in the world due to climate change, Saño urged the audience to “fight for our future.” He said climate change is affecting every aspect of life, with the impoverished communities as the most affected.
“We need the whole world to take action,” Saño said. He said the international climate change negotiations are little steps, but just too little to stop global warming.
Dulce said the people should transform this crisis into an opportunity “by organizing themselves to claim social, environmental and climate justice.”
The forum was part of the Political Science Week celebrations of the Department of Social Sciences, CAS, UP Manila."


free publications' backup

I believe in sharing and making backups of free publications that's why I stored or republished some of them in digital platforms such as and Dropbox. In case the main website containing those free downloadables crashes or becomes inaccessible for whatever reason, their readers can still search for and access backup files. Here are some of the newsletter issues I laid out for the Philippine College of Surgeons (PCS). The "PCS Newsletter" was renamed as "Incisions" in 2012. I'm considering reposting more publications in the weeks ahead.

digital footprints

It's been a year since my last post. I ought to get back to writing opinion articles, taking photos and videos, or maybe I should try something new in Blogger. I wonder how much has changed in 12 months. While I think about my digital footprints, here are some of my recent articles published in the UP Forum:

(Jan.-Feb. 2013)

(May-June 2013)

(July-August 2013)